Celebrating Juneteenth: Fostering Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace

Dear Esteemed HR Professionals, Celebrating Juneteenth, a pivotal event in American history, provides a meaningful way to honor the end of slavery in the United States and recognize the ongoing journey towards equality and justice for African Americans. It’s also an opportune moment for organizations to reflect on their commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion….
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Our 2024 Outlook for the OFCCP Landscape

Greetings, HR Professionals!  It’s the end of 2023, which means it’s a fitting moment to cast our eyes forward and get a sense of what 2024 holds, especially for our interactions with the Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP). Let’s dive in. OFCCP’s Current State To put it bluntly, the OFCCP is currently overwhelmed….
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Celebrating the Diversity of Native American Cultures

National Native American Heritage Month, established in 1990, is an opportunity to learn more about the history and culture of the 574 federally recognized indigenous communities in the United States and the Biden Administration’s commitment to Tribal Nations and Native Communities. This year’s theme, “Tribal Nations Soaring to New Heights,” pays homage to the Indigenous…
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National Work & Family Month

It’s during the month of October that we enjoy the crisp autumn air and the not-so-occasional pumpkin spice latte, but it’s also the time to remind employers to provide their team members with a definition of “work-life balance” that is relevant to the current business environment. Employers can provide activities for staff and showcase their…
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